Passing Through First Friday -> 2011
Posted by Mea L. Antaim
Friday, January 07, 2011
Hello people, early this morning i received a massage saying " Happy First Friday of the year 2011" and i end up with a smile and chuckle for a second ... and of course i didn't reply back. This beautiful funny message makes my curiosity of the "Friday the 13th" arose and i had done some reading about the freaky "myths" about the urban legend unlucky Friday the 13th and how people being paranoid and having fear of the number 13.
Most of the article i read stipulated that people in U.K believe the old superstition of Friday the 13th. They believe the risk of hospital admission as a result of a transport accident may be increased on that day and research had been conduct to revealed the truth about this urban legand Friday 13th. What do you people think about it? I mean doesn't the uncertainty of Risk in Life happen everyday? if it do not happen to us... may be there are some other people in other country that encounter with the uncertainty eg: accident, death, hospital admission etc. Risk occurs in daily basis for it doesn’t choose or select what date or even time. so why should we afraid of the Friday the 13?
A part of that, there are also some belief about the Friday Night..or in Malay we call it "Malam Jumaat". this are other thing that doesn't make any sense for they believe all the evil and bad Spirit (Ghost) are freed on that night and this happen every Friday night. come on ... do you really believe on that? Just count how many weeks (Friday night) we have in a year? Does this make sense to you? For me myself, i do believe in other entities that live together surround us but i never seen one or withness the existance of these creature... do they look ugly or vise versa? I had no idea.
Well people, today is eventually the first Friday of the Year 2011 and be this day brings more luck and opportunity through the year. Cheersss people and Happy Friday.